The Future of Farming with agMD

Apr 8, 2022


The future of farming is not just in the soil; it's in the cloud, in data centers, and the palm of your hand. Welcome to the era of smart agriculture, where agMD is pioneering the way. This blog post will delve into how agMD's suite of products, including Almanac, Mobile, and the upcoming CoPilot, are revolutionizing farming as we know it.

Knowledge Graph Connected Digital Twin of Farm

Imagine having a digital replica of your farm that updates in real-time. With agMD Almanac, this is not science fiction but a reality. The platform creates a Knowledge Graph Connected Digital Twin of your farm, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.

Adaptable Graph for Crop Research

Different crops have different needs. agMD understands this and offers an Adaptable Graph that tailors research for each crop on your farm. Whether you're growing corn or hemp, agMD has you covered.

Continuous Learning through Scientific Research

The agMD system is designed for Continuous Learning. It links your farm elements to active research in agriculture and the latest science on crops grown and inputs recommended. This ensures that your farming practices are always at the forefront of scientific knowledge.

AI-Powered Recommendations

Wake up every day to personalized recommendations on your agMD Mobile app. From weather forecasts to pest management tips, agMD's AI algorithms analyze multiple data streams to give you the best advice.

Connections: Precision Equipment to Patents

agMD doesn't just stop at providing recommendations; it connects you to various other platforms and services. From Precision Equipment like GPS systems and IoT sensors to Patents for tracking your farm's innovations, agMD serves as a comprehensive hub for all your farming needs.

The Upcoming agMD CoPilot

Scheduled for a limited release in year four, agMD CoPilot aims to automate manual workflows today. Think of it as your farming assistant, trained to be an expert for specific types of crops or capabilities.


The future of farming is here, and it's called agMD. With its suite of interconnected tools and services, agMD is not just a farm management tool but an entire ecosystem that brings together farmers, researchers, and agri-business professionals. If you want to make your farm smarter, more efficient, and more sustainable, agMD is the way to go.